Happy New Year!

I cannot believe we are already saying goodbye to 2015. Where has this year gone? Like so many others I have taken this past week and reflected on this year and all the many things that have happened. So many new things and changes have been made. Many trials were overcome. And many achievements were made. But looking back on 2015 there is one thing that I can say: Everything that God allowed to happen in 2015 was beneficial to me.  Not a single hard time, trial, struggle, or pain hurt me. In fact, every single thing that happened this year made my year and my life so much better. What a picture of what a loving and merciful God we serve. He never tells us or causes things to happen that will hurt us. I am amazed looking back that Joel and I have made it through this year. It's been a wonderful but very tough year. But God saw us through. 

As I focused on 2016 I decided that this year I will make it less about me and more about God. So instead of setting goals for what I want to achieve for my personal life, I have decided to set goals for what I want to achieve this year in my spiritual life. I have assigned each goal a verse or verses that I can memorize to help me stay on track and remind me of my goals for this year. So here they are!

1. To show more kindness, encouragement, and love to those around me.
     -Galations 5:22-26
     - Ephesians 4:32
     - Luke 6:35
     - Micah 6:8

2. To finish a study on Psalms, Hosea, and Galatians
     - Joshua 1:8

3. To be more confident in sharing the Gospel with others
     - 1 Peter 3:15
     - Romans 1:16
     - Matthew 5:16

4. To intentionally strive to know my Savior and create a bonding relationship with Him
     - James 4:6-10
     - John 15:5
     - Proverbs 1:1-33

I will be writing my verses down and putting them on display to remind me each day of my spiritual goals. I encourage each of you to do the same! I love each of you and hope you all have a very Happy and Blessed New Year!

Psalm 119 Study: My Delight

Today's Reading is Psalm 119: 169-176

Psalm 119: 174- " I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight."

This is the last day of the Psalm 119 Study, and it did not disappoint! I have enjoyed this study so much. Who would have thought you could find so many promises, blessings, and wonderful facts about Christ in one small chapter of the Bible?? I feel like so many times we overlook the book of Psalm because we associate it with poetry. But poetry is a love language and David, Solomon, and the other authors of Psalm definitely wrote about the deep, immense love of God. So here is my thoughts from the final day: 

God and His Word is my DELIGHT. When we cry out, the Lord gives us understanding. When we ask or beg God for something He delivers it. He gives us restitution, grace, mercy, a new life! We just have to ask!! He gives us knowledge, righteousness, help, and delight. And each and every one of these things can be found in and gotten from Scripture. All these things can be gained from a ritual study of God and His Word. 

The Lord provides each of our needs, right when we need them. He gives us a clean slate each and every day. He gives us every single tool we need to succeed in life so that we can succeed in eternity. 

The more we study the Bible, the more we learn about Christ, and in turn the more we desire to learn more and more about Him. And the more you know, the more you gain from a deep relationship and interaction with Christ. 

God is love. Everyday, He does things that prove that He loves us. He gave His only Son to prove how much He loves us, and He sent the Bible to show, throughout the pages, His steadfast and unyielding love for us. Unyielding love. It never stops, Never runs out. Never fails. All these things God has given a wretched sinner like me and you. 

When you stop and just dwell on this, God's Love should bring you the greatest delight in your life. It should be something you desire each and every day. Everything in the Bible points back to Christ and His love for us. Every day remember how much we need the Lord and His Word. And He gives it freely because he loves you.


Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

The month of December is practically over! Can y'all believe it? There is so much going on at the Best house right now! We started out the month by waking up one morning to Joel's tires being slashed on this Patrol Car. Not a very good feeling knowing your home is being targeted because of your husband's occupation. This incident turned into us moving out of our current house a month early....... like moving out by this Thursday! Yikes! So it was time for me to kick it into gear. The house we are moving into needs A LOT of work. We have put in all new tile and carpet in the entire house and are busy painting and refinishing cabinets in the kitchen right now, but it's not even close to being done. I have packed up one room in my house..... and we had our current move-out inspection this past week where we had to fix all the messes the dogs had made haha! It's so nice to have that done. On top of all that Joel and I have both had a respitory/sinus infection for 3 weeks. Merry Christmas to us! 

We both had the week of Christmas off, which was a nice change of pace since Joel has worked all night shift this month and I haven't seen him. If only we hadn't been sick! I'll admit, I am a grinch at Christmas. It is not my favorite time of the year. It's a rush rush season and so stressful with constant running around to Joel's family.

 We kicked off the holidays with Christmas at Grandmother's on Christmas Eve. I got to bring a dessert this year and I chose a Oreo-Brownie Trifle. It's one of the most decadent deserts I've ever had! Here is the recipe:

1 Box of Brownie mix (and all the ingredients to make them)
8 oz of Cream Cheese, softened
1 C. Powdered Sugar
1/4 C. Butter softened
3 C. Milk
2 small packages of instant fudge/chocolate pudding
12 oz. tub of Cool Whip
1 Pkg. Oreos, Crushed
8 ox. Tub of Cool Whip

Instructions: Prepare and bake Brownies as instructed on box. Let cool completely and cut into bite sized pieces, then set aside. Blend together Cream Cheese, Butter and powdered sugar until creamy. In a separate Bowl mix milk and pudding until thick. Add pudding to cream cheese mixture. Fold in 12 oz. tub of Cool Whip. Begin layering trifle. Brownies, half of the pudding cream cheese mixture. Half of your crushed oreos. 8 oz. of cool whip. Then repeat. Garnish with any left over oreos. Keep refrigerated. 

Because Joel's family is so large we draw names to see who we get a gift for. This year Joel's Aunt Jane drew my name and she bought me a beautiful journaling Bible I had been asking for for months! It is amazing and I recommend it to everyone! 

Christmas morning Joel and I shared our Christmas together. We didn't purchase any big ticket items this year. However, I did get a carpet cleaner specifically for pets! I was so excited! I guess that's when you know your officially an adult... carpet cleaners make you happy! I'm glad my husband understands my need for a spotless house haha! We headed up to my In-laws about mid morning to gather with Joel's immediate family. This consisted of his two nieces opening up a bazillion presents! But they were so happy! Then we headed to Joel's Dad's side of the family. (I told you we do a lot of running around!) We gather for Christmas dinner and some socializing before heading home. This year we ended Christmas by going to see the new Star Wars movie. It ended differently than I would have liked, but overall it was good. 

Whew! Next year I think Joel and I will be making some changes so that we can slow down and enjoy our Christmas together. 

OH! I did get an amazing gift this year from my sister. She purchased an Emily Ley Simplified Planner for me. If you don't know what that is, you are missing out! It is a necessity for all OCD and organizational people out there! And even better. it comes in a gold foil pineapple print! Be still my beating heart! 

This week we will be busy moving and getting ready for the New Year! Hopefully I will have a new home tour up on the blog soon! 

Merry Christmas! and I hope y'all have a very BLESSED New Year!

Psalm 119 Study: Great Peace

Today's Passage is Psalm 119: 161-168

Psalm 119: 165: "Great peace have those who love your law; nothing shall make them stumble."

There will always be good and bad circumstances in life. Things that we can't control and some things that we can. But because we are Christians we can have a different outlook on life. When you consume yourself in the Lord and His promises it is easier to stand tall and fight through your daily battles than to turn tail and run. We have the promises, love, and encouragement of Christ in our hearts and lives. He promises us these things all through out the Bible! These promises are sweet treasures that we need to hide in our hearts to remind us when things get tough.

We have a peace in our lives that only God can give us; and because of that peace, we don't take to heart the challenges of life. This peace is ours no matter what we face in life and no one can take it from us. When we pursue God fervently and submerge ourselves in His Word, He in turn, uses His Word to bring us wisdom, knowledge, comfort, and strength each and every day. He gives us a peace beyond our understanding so that we can worship and praise Him in every step of life. 


Psalm 119 Study: Great Mercy

Today's Reading Passage: Psalm 119: 153-160

Psalm 119: 156- "Great is your mercy, O Lord; give me life according to your rules."

Deliver me! Deliver me! DELIVERANCE. Christ sees you suffering. He sees your trials and He promises you deliverance. His mercies are so great each day and they NEVER run out! They never fail! When you reach a dark season in life, you can cry out to Jesus for mercy. He is there to pick you up in His arms and guide you through every season and trial of your life. He promises to be there. You only have to trust and call on Him.

We find truth & love in who God is. When we understand these things about God, we are able to identify with Him and who He is and ultimately find ourselves in Him. He continuously shows us the way He wants us to be. He is the perfect picture of love & mercy. Unconditional. Knowing this, we can go to Christ in the good and bad times knowing that He will accept us as His child. We never have to fear rejection from God. He accepts us, loves us, shows us mercy, and gives us His strength to continue on our path! He never gives up on you. That is a promise you can hold on to for eternity.


Psalm 119 Study: ABIDE

Today's Reading is Psalm 119: 145-152

Psalm 119: 151- "But you are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are true."

"I cried out with my whole heart." I feel like sometimes in life we close ourselves off to those around us. We fear loneliness and rejection from others. I am so guilty of this! It's an insecurity that the Lord never wanted us to have. But I have found in this passage that it reminds us that God is not like that. 

When we cry out to God, He promises to save us! He saves us from fear, worry, rejection, loneliness, anxiety, sorrow. He gives us His Word as a way to communicate His will with us, and in return, we have prayer so that we have direct communication with God! Both of these things are mobile. We can take them with us wherever we go, in every circumstance we find ourselves in. We can talk with God no matter where we are. 

Verse 151 tells us that "Thou art near O Lord." He dwells in our hearts. We can cry out to Him at anytime and He hears us. He is our closest friend. With God you are never alone. God is eternal. He was here at the beginning and will be there with you through the end. His love for you is eternal and never fails. He never gives up on you. You must abide in Him.


Letters of Encouragement

I am planning some pretty awesome things here on the blog for 2016! God's laying burdens on my heart about how important encouragement is to those around you.  Beginning in January 2016 I will be opening my heart to 20 people (to begin with). Each month I will send a letter of encouragement to each of these people filled with Jesus, Love, & Kindness! Our sign up sheet will be going live this evening. If you are interested in signing up please check back here tonight! 

Love to all!

Shelby xoxo

Psalm 119 Study: He is Righteous

Today's reading is from Psalm 119: 137-144

Psalm 119: 137 "Righteous are you, O Lord, and right are your rules."

Righteous.   Upright.   Faithful.   Pure.   Truth.   Everlasting.
These are the words used to describe who God is and His Word. These are all the reasons that we should love God. The Psalmist tells us that even though he is despised , he doesn't forget God's Words. How often do we get in a trial, or even a triumph, and forget about God? Trying to fix it. Focusing solely on our own capabilities instead of handing it over to the One who can actually fix it! 

The Psalmist then reminds us that God's righteousness is everlasting. All the things of God are everlasting: His love, His mercy, His compassion, His Word. It never ends! It never runs out! It is never failing and He is TRUTH! 

When we go through valleys in life we find joy and even delight in the things of God. Dwelling and submerging ourselves into His Word brings peace. It's a balm to our soul because it reminds us of His attributes: righteous, upright, faithful, pure, truth, everlasting. When we truly understand these things about God and His Word; that is when we truly begin to live. 


Psalm 119 Study: Who God is Changes EVERYTHING!

Today's Reading is Psalm 119: 129-136

Psalm 119: 130- " The unfolding of your word gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple."

God's Word is a wonderful gift! It tells us all about the attributes of God and guides us to make decisions that will fill our lives with blessings. It gives us the knowledge of who God is. As Christians, we should be consumed with knowing God; and by studying Scripture we receive that understanding!

The Psalmist longed for God's will and understanding. He searched and devoured Scripture to learn about Him and so should we. In verse 132 he reminds us of how merciful God is to those who love Him! What a promise!! That means in hard times, God will give us rest in the midst of whatever storm we are going through. He gives us a path to follow day by day, step by step. In this path He will deliver you from the wrongs of this world. Long to learn about Christ. To be like Christ. To show the love of Christ to those around you. When you truly know Him and who He is, it changes who you are. 

I love what Kristin Schmucker wrote in the devotional book:
 "We do not read Scripture for knowledge alone, but we read it because it is life changing. It helps us to know who God is, and who He is, changes everything!"

Psalm 119 Study: Our Hiding Place

Today's reading: Psalm 119: 113-120

Psalm 119: 114- " You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word."

God is our Hiding Place. A place filled with comfort and rest when life gets too hard. He is the person we can go to, no matter what's happening in your life, and find the solace and peace that we need. He is our shield. He is ready to fight our battles for us if we can only have the courage to hand them over to Him. 

He is our hope in dark times. The light for our hearts. (Verse 116) Without God there is no life. and without Him our lives of unfulfilled and empty. When we give ourselves to Christ, He will hold us and keep us safe. Christ puts  away the wicked. They are torn down, but those that love the Lord are held safe in his arms.... AND THAT'S A PROMISE!


Psalm 119 Study: Lamp and Light

Today's reading: Psalm 119: 105-112

Psalm 119: 105- " Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

 He is guiding us. A lamp casts a glow only so far and after that you can't see anything. You find comfort in that glow of light because everything is clear and you can see it. But what about the darkness ahead? The things you can't see? That's when you have to have complete trust in Christ to guide you through. It's not always easy to give up that control. It's easy to grab the light and take off running in our own direction. But Christ asks us to wait until he reveals His path for our lives.

He promises to be with us every step of the way. We use His Word to direct us in how to respond and in what decisions to make. I am reminded of the words of a song, " When you don't know what to pray, just say Jesus. There is power in the name, the name of Jesus." Trust His guidance. Give it all to Him and let Him be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. 


Savannah Marathon Re-Cap

I haven't posted for a week! eek! So sorry about that, but the week has been full of preparation for my first marathon! And boy was it a weekend to remember! 

Joel and I headed down to Savannah late on Thursday night after we both got off of work. The first evening we stayed at the Cotton Sail hotel. It was a boutique hotel with about 58 rooms right on the river. It's at the very end of River Street and in the middle of all the great restaurants and Market Street. The Cotton Sail is an old Cotton Warehouse from the 1800s and there is no other word to describe it other than MAGNIFICENT. Joel and I are in love with the industrial era of America so this hotel was perfect for us. The floors in each of the rooms were 200 year old hardwoods. They had 20 foot ceilings with beautiful crown molding and small balconies overlooking the river. The service was exceptional! It is definitely where we will be staying next time we go to Savannah!

 View from our Balcony
 View from our Balcony
 Our gorgeous room

Friday Morning we were woken up by the horn of a tug boat on the river, so we got up and ran our last 2 miles of training along the river which was beautiful. We met this woman who made small baskets and roses out of Palm leaves. She was down on her luck, but was such a strong and amazing woman to talk to. She had such a beautiful heart and mind. I bought this basket and rose as a reminder of the beautiful souls in the world. 

We then headed out to explore Savannah. I was so overwhelmed by the history, cobble stone streets, and the beautiful parks!! We stopped and had lunch at the little cafe in Forsyth Park. 

 Fountain at Forsyth Park

After our walk around savannah, we headed to Fort Pulaski. It is a beautiful fort which was both Union and Confederate during the Civil War. It was interesting to see all the modern processes they had established even back then!

The view from the top of the fort

That afternoon we met up with Callie (my running partner) and her husband Oliver at the apartment we rented a little closer to the finish line of the marathon. We didn't want to have to walk too far afterwards! haha! We headed to the expo to pick up our bibs and shirts and begin the festivities! It took us hours to get in and out because of the thousands of people there!

We decided to cook the night before because we knew the restaurants would be packed and so that we could eat all the pasta! That's the perks of renting an apartment instead of being in a hotel. We went to the Kroger for food and almost all the pasta was gone!! I made a fettuccine alfredo with a herb crusted chicken and sourdough rolls.  It was delicious and Joel said it should be on the regular dinner rotation. 
 Friends that cook together stay together!
After dinner were rolled and stretched and prepped for race day!

And then it was here! I was so nervous walking into the starting area and our corral. There were thousands of runners and I am not a crowds person! Joel and I prayed together and then I headed to my corral and Joel headed to his. His was different since he was running the half marathon due to lack of time to train. And then we were off!

It looks like fun and games, but it was 90 degrees with 100% humidity. I've never had such a hard time running in my life. I slowed down my pace at mile 9 to compensate for the heat and let Callie push on ahead. At mile 11 1/2 the half marathoners split off toward their finish while the marathoners kept on going. That was the hardest moment in my life to not just quit and split off with the half marathoners. But I took my course in stride and pushed forward. The last half of the marathon there was barely any entertainment or music. 10 miles of our run was on an interstate with no shade and nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. At mile 21 I realized they had cut off 2 miles of our course to shorten it due to weather conditions and heat advisories. But I was not going to leave without running my 26.2 miles, so at mile 23, when I finally reached some shade, I turned around to make a short loop to get my extra 2 miles. It would have been so easy to just run my 24 and claim my medal, but I didn't train 5 months for a shortcut. When I crossed the finish line, words cannot express the emotions. I wanted to laugh, cry, and fall down all at the same time! I finished in 4 hours and 27 minutes. Beating my goal of 4 1/2 hours! I got my medal and headed to find my Joel and celebrate.

Joel crushed his half marathon coming in under two hours with absolutely no training! I am so proud of him!

It wasn't until I finished that they told us that the reason the course had been shortened is that a 35 year old Half Marathon Runner had passed away due to running in the heat. It took a huge toll on the runners there because it could have easily been me or someone else there. I completely support the decision of the race committee to shorten the race. They did what they could by providing salt packets and extra water and Gatorade stops as well as ice cups and bags of ice all along the course. I made extra stops and took extra precautions as well. 

The Rock n Roll Savannah provided these awesome Brooks running jackets for the marathon finishers and of course we had to have a picture! 

It was not pretty after that. The pictures above are deceiving. I was severely dehydrated. I was sick. and I spent the afternoon in bed trying to stop the pain. I made it out for dinner to eat and drink as much water as possible only to be sick again. Joel and I headed back to the apartment where we slept for 12 hours straight. 

Sunday morning after sleeping and drinking a TON of water, I was finally feeling better inside, but my legs were screaming! I stretched as much as I could physically take and then we packed up our things and loaded up the car to head home, since Joel had to work 6 am Monday morning. 

This has been my greatest accomplishment so far. I fit in training runs at 4 am and at 10 pm to make it happen. I put my social life on hold. I gave up eating certain things and doing certain things to make this happen and I am so glad that I did it! Will I ever run another marathon? Maybe later in life. For now though I am back to training for my next half marathon which is the perfect distance (in my opinion)! 

Welcoming Fall

The last two weeks have been slower than normal. October is my one slow month out of the year at work and I have been working a year a head on next years race. Joel has also been working a lot of day shift so having him home regularly has been AMAZING! Two weekends ago I got to enjoy another date night with my sweetheart. We were able to go to Olive Garden for free since my SPP at church got me a gift card a few months back that I have been saving. What a blessing that was! We had dinner and then did a little Christmas shopping together, which was such a relaxed way to spend the evening!

 The next day we got the amazing opportunity to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Hickory, NC. This year my mom beat breast cancer so this race was very close to my heart and I will continue to do it every year. I won first place in my age group and beat Joel by .03 seconds! It was a tough run with nothing but huge hills, but hey I still hit an 8:28 pace. 

After the race we met up with Joel's parents and two nieces and took the dogs up to the mountains to see the leaves changing! It was a fun filled day of river swimming and picnicking.
It was a fun weekend for sure! This past week we held our annual Candy Carnival at work. I asked all the kids what I should dress up as and each one said "a witch!" So I was Elphaba the Wicked Witch!
It was a very long but fun day! I love seeing the kids in costumes and having fun playing games and winning candy! And I kinda loved my hat:)

I got my first red cup of the season and I'm a little disappointed that Starbucks doesn't even acknowledge Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays! I would love to just enjoy one holiday at a time instead of jumping from Halloween to Christmas. 
Yesterday the family got together on the Farm and split wood. Old School Style! 

Isn't he a stud?? I tried my hand for the first time and it was quite fun and a great stress reliever. This was also Trooper's first time at the Farm so we had to introduce him to all the animals one by one. His favorites were the horses. He did so well and listened like a champ! I was so proud of my pup!


This was also Trooper's first ride on the four-wheeler. He didn't care for riding although him and Aspen both loved chasing us on it!

My favorite days are spent on the farm. It's one of my favorite places in the world and spending time there with family is just a plus. One day we hope to have our own farm raising beef cattle living that farm life. Until then I'll work my 9-5 grateful for a job the Lord has provided to get us where we want to be! I hope you all have a blessed week!