Psalm 119 Study: Always the Same

Today's reading passage: Psalm 119: 89-96

Psalm 119: 89 " Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens."

The Bible is a timeless book. It applies to every person, in every era, in every trial of life. Once spoken, the Word of God never changes; and neither does He.  It's easy to get stuck on our own roller coaster of emotions and changing trials and triumphs of life. We forget that God is immovable and unchangeable. But God never changes. He doesn't pick or choose the people He helps. Him and His Word are there for everyone. But it's up to us to allow the Word to change us. 

Verse 92 Says that unless you choose to find help, comfort, peace, and joy in His Word, you will continue in your affliction. But when we choose His words and allow them to root themselves in our lives the Lord saves us (verse 94). He carries our burdens. He holds our hands through trials. and He loves us in our sorrow. 

We must remember that He promises to be faithful in every season of our lives. He never changes, even when we do! We can fill ourselves with that promise and find comfort in His never changing Word; and ultimately allow the Word of God to change us. Change our reactions, outlook, and love for life and those around us. 


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